
What day is cheaper to go to the cinema in Madrid?

In the midst of the decline in cinema attendance in 2023, which accumulates a 32% drop compared to the average of the five years prior to the outbreak of the covid (2015-2019), according to data from the Comscore consultancy, the cinema decides to revitalize itself with the best discounts and subscription strategies for your viewers. afflicted by the constant criticism for the price of tickets, theaters continue to bet on events such as the Film Festival and, especially, on the traditional day of the spectator.

As has been the case for more than three decades, cinemas continue to bet on a day in which their tickets are cheaper for their viewers. This cheapening It emerged in Spain in the 80s, following the initiative born in the United States, with discounts of up to 50%.

The big cities did not take long to establish this successful model that is still in force with variations. Currently, Madrid tickets cost around 8.89 euros on averagebut they can reach be reduced to 3 or 4 euros on the day of the spectator.

When is the day of the spectator in the cinemas of Madrid?

Thus, the day of the spectatorwhich has undergone several changes throughout history, remains in such a way in the Spanish capital:

  • Yelmo Cines- Wednesday
  • Kinépolis- Wednesday
  • Cinesa- Wednesday
  • Renoir Cinemas- Monday and Wednesday
  • ​Cinemas Verdi- Monday and last session on Sunday
  • ​Ocine Urban- Wednesday
  • ​Callao Cinemas- Wednesday
  • ​Cinema La Vaguada- Wednesday
  • ​Palace of the press- Wednesday
  • ​Cinema Embajadores- Wednesday
  • ​Cinemas Golem- Monday and Wednesday
  • Artistic Metropol- Wednesday
  • MK2 Cinemas- Wednesday
  • Conde Duque Cinemas Morasol Auditorium- Wednesday

The most affordable prices for the spectator’s day are found in cinemas such as Callao Cinemas (4.50 euro), Artistic Metropolis (4.50), Verdi Cinemas (4.90 euros), Golem Cinemas (5 euros), Renoir Cinemas (5 euros), The Vaguada Cinema (5 euros) or Cinema Ambassadors (5 euros). Meanwhile in franchises like Cinesa or Yelmo can we find the ticket price about 6.50 euros.

Thus, Most of the establishments bet on the day of the spectator on Wednesdays, although we also find some companies that take it to Mondays or even Sundays.

In any case, these benefits They can only be enjoyed if we are facing a working day and not a holiday or the eve of a holiday. In addition, some morning sessions from different rooms also have a reduction in the price of their tickets.

Other cinemas such as the Autocine Race, Cine Doré (the Spanish Film Library), Cine Iberia (Casamérica), Sala Berlanga or Cine Estudio (Circulo Bellas Artes) have their own prices outside of this spectator day, with special sessions and in many cases cheaper tickets.

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